Kill the Pain, Save the Tooth | Dentist in Huntsville

Root canal, or endodontic, therapy treats inflammation or infection within the pulp of a tooth. If
you are awaiting your first root canal treatment, you may feel anxious or uncertain. It can be
difficult to separate myth from fact when trying to learn what to expect. Here is some useful
information about root canal therapy and some common misperceptions you may encounter.

Despite common belief, root canal therapy does not cause pain. Instead, it relieves the pain you
are already experiencing by treating the underlying cause of the infection or inflammation. Some
common reasons for tooth pulp inflammation or infection include:

  • Deep tooth decay 
  • Chip or crack in tooth structure  
  • Tooth root fracture  
  • Periodontal (gum) disease  
  • Repeated treatment on a single tooth

Once inflammation begins, the pulp experiences swelling and pressure that cause pain. If left
untreated, permanent damage to the pulp can occur, including pulp tissue death. When this
happens, you may experience temporary relief of pain, but it may lead to painful infection and
tooth loss.

Root canal therapy is the removal of diseased or dead pulp tissue from the inside of a tooth. We
use specially designed instruments that clean out the pulp chamber and root canals. Next, we
disinfect the canals with special medications and clean them once more. Finally, we seal the
canals to prevent re-infection. You may experience minor discomfort for a few days, but this can
usually be managed with over-the-counter medications.

After your root canal treatment, your tooth will need a permanent restoration to replace the lost
tooth structure and protect the remaining tooth. This may be a filling or crown, depending on
your need. We will discuss your restoration plan with you prior to your root canal therapy.

Whenever possible, saving your natural tooth is our goal. Root canal therapy can help to preserve
your tooth. To learn more about root canal therapy or to schedule an appointment, contact our

Gardner Family Dentistry of Huntsville
Phone: (256) 533-1435
cash, credit card
107 Marsheutz Avenue
Huntsville, Al 35801

Gardner Family Dentistry ● 107 Marsheutz Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801
(256) 533-1435 ● Hours: Monday - Thursday: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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Huntsville, AL Dentist